Spencer Rabinowitz

Spencer Rabinowitz is the Assistant Video Cage Coordinator of the Film Centre who started here in October of 2022. While he may not be the biggest fan of being placed in front of the camera (as evident by his face) he does anything and everything he can to be behind it. Spencer lives and breathes cinema and his favorite movies include “La Haine,” “A Brighter Summer Day”, “Sans Soleil”, and “Paddington 2.”

Since a young age Spencer has been making films and has pretty much never stopped - after graduating top of his film class (of which there were four students) he created a series of experimental films using vintage stock footage and old VHS tapes as well as a short narrative project, “Beggars Would Ride”, and was awarded with the Virgina M. Stein Award for Excellence in Media Studies and Creation.

If you’re ever in the Film Centre tell him about your favorite movies as his favorite thing to do is talk about film to anyone who will listen.

Spencer’s Youtube Channel

Spencer’s Website